
The two bodyguards of old habits and negative beliefs that create the most damage are stubbornness and cynicism. They condition us to greet every great idea or technique with the assumption that it is flawed and will not work. Their initial response to a new concept...

34: Invisible Forces

The work of curing the habits and damage of psychic self-destruction often requires much intelligent effort and persistence. It is quite possible to exhaust our meager capacity to overcome powerful resentments, discouragement, or fears. The bodyguards that protect all...

33: Reforming Our Self-Image

If we use an inferior recipe for baking bread, the bread will also be inferior. This is obvious: if we substitute sawdust for half the flour the recipe calls for, we can still make bread, but its quality will be awful and its taste will be horrible. We create similar...

32: Discovering the Rules

Reversing psychic self-destruction can be greatly assisted by seeking guidance from higher intelligence. But it is one thing to know that such guidance can be tapped, and quite another to discover the actual steps that lead us to this resource. Some naïvely expect...

31: A New Purpose in Life

An old question poses an important paradox for all who struggle with the problems of life. “Should we condemn a rose for having thorns, or rejoice that it is a beautiful, fragrant flower?” This inquiry challenges how we see our world. Do we focus predominantly on the...

30: Fresh Perspective

The initial steps for managing severe physical or mental health problems focus on controlling symptoms. We want treatment for our distress. The emotional bleeding of regret and anxiety must be curtailed. The paralysis of hesitation and doubt must be relieved....