Possessing brilliant ideas and good intentions does not automatically guarantee great results. Many people become frustrated when their good plans produce few or no achievements. Even after engaging the powerful Law of Attraction, little change may occur. Clearly,...
Sometimes our annoyance with distress narrows into an obsession about getting rid of what we do not want. Whether our concern is a bad mood, chronic fatigue, or some other problem, we assume that our success and contentment depend on removing these obstacles. While...
As we have seen, sustained resentment is one of the most destructive ways we harm ourself. Many of us waste enormous amounts of energy in chronic recriminations and irritation focused on those who have harmed us. The wheels of anger go round and round as if we could...
When we find ourself in the dark, a flashlight can help us see where we are and how to proceed. In the same way, whenever we are in doubt about what to do, the equivalent of a flashlight can help us search into the darkness of ignorance and uncertainty. We need to...
Mindfulness is the perfect complement to detachment. It allows us to use the calm, thoughtful state of mind created by detachment for repair and healing. By stepping back from our usual level of involvement in our mundane experiences, we gain access to our best...
The practical demands of physical life require us to concentrate on our duties and obligations. Unless we can stand back to examine what we are doing and where we are heading, we will let immediate demands on our thinking and behavior assume control of our life. By...