Whenever we experience significant distress or illness, we need to take action to heal it. It is foolish to rely on hope or good luck to solve our problems. Likewise, waiting for someone to rescue us is not a dependable way to find the relief we need. Taking charge of...
A good beginning for rescuing ourself from the habits of psychic self-destruction is a thorough understanding of what to do, what to stop doing, and how to do it. However, this will not be enough to accomplish most of the healing changes we need. It is wildly...
One of the great principles of healing is to over- come whatever is bad by applying good ideas and qualities. In the Bible (Romans 12:21), it is stated as the process of “overcoming evil with good.” This means we overcome injustice by promoting the principles and...
A long-standing mood of depression or anxiety needs more than a great theory to be healed. While we can study the great abundance of God’s blessings and joy, we need to do more than just examine it. Even though all things are possible, some of them can only be...
If we had a boat, and it was leaking water, we would want to fix the leak rather than just bail out the accumulated bilge. For the same reason, when we are afflicted with too much annoyance, frustration, and other difficulties, we must eventually work to correct the...
Most of us begin our healing work by listing symptoms and focusing on what is wrong or missing from our lives, careers, and relationships. This might seem a sensible way to begin, but it often serves only to increase our awareness of what irritates us—not what heals...